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  • الورنيش الذي يغطي الأسلاك النحاسية التي ليست من نفس اللون. كيف هم مختلفون؟ وما هي المؤهلات
    The color of the liquid varnish is only a part to verify the kind and specification for coating copper wire. Varnish has many specifications depend on the usage of the product. Each feature has verified in different varnish focus on the temperature resistance.
  • يشير ملصق الشركة المصنعة الموجود على عجلة الأسلاك المطبوعة إلى ماهية 2-UEW و1-PEW ومدى اختلافهما.
    2-UEW means that Polyurethane in coating on the wire. 1-PEW means that Polyester in coating on the wire. Numbers on the front is indicated level of thickness of liquid varnish-coated wire, it is separated as the Class. Class 0 means the thickest class of liquid varnish to the wire. Class 1 means the thickness of liquid varnish is less than Class 0. Class 2 means the thickness of liquid varnish is less than Class 1. Class 3 means the least thickness of liquid varnish to the wire. According to the requirements of JIS Standards and Industrial Standards (TIS).
  • كم عدد أنواع الورنيش الموجودة لطلاء الأسلاك النحاسية؟ وما عدد درجات تحمل درجة الحرارة التي يتمتع بها كل نوع (درجة مئوية)؟
    There are many types of liquid varnish coated copper wire. Generally the most of them are as follows: 1.New thermelt enamelled copper wire (NEW). - Resistant to temperatures up to 105 °C 2. Polyvinyl formal enamelled copper wire (PVF). - Resistant to temperatures up to 120 °C 3. Polyurethane enamelled copper wire (UEW). - Resistant to temperatures up to 130 °C 4. Polyester enamelled copper wire (PEW). - Resistant to temperatures up to 155 °C 5. Polyester-Imide enamelled copper wire (EIW). - Resistant to temperatures up to 180 °C 6. Polyester-Amide-Imide enamelled copper wire (AIW). - Resistant to temperatures up to 220 °C
  • ما هو المعيار لأحجام الأسلاك شائعة الاستخدام SWG وAWG؟ ماهو الفرق؟
    SWG is the standard size of the wire in Metric Unit. AWG is the standard size of the wire in British Unit. The diameter of SWG wire number and AWG wire number is different. However, SWG wire number can be referred to which AWG wire number in the same diameter.
  • هل الأسلاك ذات القطر الصغير والأسلاك ذات القطر الأكبر يتم تلميعها بنفس الطريقة أم مختلفة؟
    In general, the method of coating copper wire is the same. However, the diameter size of copper wire is used in different machine and divided as following: Copper wire diameter from 0.04 mm. - 0.75 mm. Coating varnish in horizontal machine Copper wire diameter from 0.80 mm. - 2.60 mm. Coating varnish in vertical machine For the large diameter copper wire, they cannot be coated in horizontal machine due to the large diameter and the heavy weight. It will not steady and the varnish on the copper wire surface will be a wave and not smooth.
  • سلك نحاسي مطلي بالورنيش ما هي المعايير التي يمكن الرجوع إليها؟
    In general, enameled copper wire can refer to the following standards. 1. Thai Industrial Standard (TIS). - TIS 174-2525 refer to the standard of polyurethane enameled round copper wires. - TIS 226-2520 refer to the standard of polyester enameled round copper wires Each standard uses different varnish for coating copper wire. 2. Standards of Japanese industrial standards (JIS) - JIS C3202: 1994 Enameled winding wires - JIS C3003: 1984 Methods of test for enameled copper and enameled aluminium wires 3. Standard of International electrotechnical commision (IEC) - IEC 317 Series: The standard is referred to the type of varnish in coating copper wire.
Copper Rate


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