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AMI Products
Advance Metal Industry Co.,Ltd. (AMI)
نحن ننتج منتجات عالية الجودة لأننا رقم واحد في إنتاج النحاس نوعية جيدة ومعايير عالمية
High quality copper rods suitable for work or building industry with the highest safety standards.
High quality red wire Suitable for applications or industries that require high transmission power cables. and building wiring with the highest safety standards
We have varnished copper wire. A variety of annealed bare copper wires
Copper Busbars to produce high power transformers, welding machine etc., as well as making bridges for other electrical circuits. Making electric bar, electrical control cabinet, MDB cabinet
We provide advice on all matters in terms of information. and techniques on products related to copper and various metals
Advance Metal Industry Co.,Ltd. قضيب نحاسي ، سلك نحاسي مطلي بالمينا
Line ID: @01advance
Tel : 082-487- 6655 , 02-465-6655 , 02-466-6694 Fax : 02-466-6695
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